Po drodze musieliśmy jeszcze zahaczyć o hotel Golden Tulip w miejscowości Midden Drenthe. To miał być mój dom na te cztery dni - cisza, spokój i piękne widoki, tylko na cholerę mi podwójne łóżko? Tor Assen ...
Jet lag is a problem for business and vacation travelers. By John Cline, Ph.D.... ... Liane Gabora, Ph.D. Gretchen Rubin. Don't neglect to make a small change because you think a big change is necessary. Gretchen Rubin. Russell Friedman. Today I will stop to think about war and its aftermath. Russell Friedman. Rudy Simone. Whenever I hear 'defeat autism now,' I feel like a bug in a Raid commercial, scurrying to hide. Rudy Simone. Jeffrey Davis ...
Strauss e la Traviata di Verdi, trasmessa anche nell'estate 2007 dalla televisione brasiliana Globo) diretta da A. Sangiorgi. Ha partecipato a molti festival e tournée in Italia e all'estero cantando in Cina, Argentina, Brasile, Canada, ...